Saturday, November 29, 2008

Indian forces end Mumbai siege

While it was happening I prayed for those involved, the victims and the forces fighting the terrorists. Now that it's over I pray for the families of the victims and I pray for those injured. Now it's going to be finger pointing and a lot of posturing. What exactly am I talking about? The attack on the Taj Mahal hotel in India. Here are a few links for a rundown of the events.
Indian forces end Mumbai siege

From HotAir

HotAir again


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Here's A Worthwhile Cause!

Caitlyn Arnold an eleven year old girl from Eastland has started a fund raising drive for the leukemia research department at MD Anderson Hospital in Houston Texas. She is asking for every Texan to send her one penny. When was the last time anyone asked you for ONLY ONE penny?

There are around 20,851,820 people in Texas. If half of the people in Texas sent me one penny, we could give MD Anderson $104,259.10.

I have spoken with M.D. Anderson. They are aware of my fundraiser. I have started collecting from my family and friends. I have written down all their names in a spiral notebook to send with the final amount so they can see all the people that are willing to help their cause. This is what I am asking from the wonderful people of Texas. Please send me one penny (more if you would like) in an envelope with your first and last name to the following address: Fundraiser, 209 S. Virginia Ave. , Eastland, Texas 76448

You can get more on the story here, .
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

thanksgiving Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Taxpayer Field

Citigroup and AIG still plan to go ahead with sponsorships of sports teams despite asking for bailout funds.
As part of its federal life preserver, Citigroup will stop dividend payments for the next three years and curb certain executive compensation.

Ok Good start so far, doing something to stop the bleeding, good, good.
But the banking giant and other recipients of taxpayer largess — AIG, the insurance behemoth, for instance — will continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to put their corporate logos on sports stadiums and events, ABC News says.

Now see, here's where you lose my support, if you "need" money to keep yourself afloat you don't go spending money "willy nilly". Ok does the Citigroup and AIG bailout smell now? Kinda fishy if you ask me.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bye bye Alan Colmes.

It's been reported here, that Alan Colmes is leaving the Hannity and Colmes show on the Fox News Channel after 12 years.
I can honestly say I will not miss seeing him on the show, I know that he contributed to the shows success but I just did not care for him.
Now can we petition Kirsten Powers to be the new co-host? She's a liberal, but at least she one of the few intelligent ones.